
67 sleeps

I finally got the batter charger for my Cybershot and have been taking random photos all over the place... on the way to work, at the grocery store, while training in the park with Ms K from Canada. I'm pretty proud of myself.. I have always said to myself, since I lived in Tokyo, that I must take average everyday photos of my life generally so I have some sort of memory of it. Now I'm actually doing it! [high fives] *misses*

So, congrats to the T-Lo on sorting that little thing out. Then, I had this brilliant idea that I would upload photos on this blog of my every day life for my friends and family to see. So... cybershot? Check. Battery? Check. Battery charger? Check. Cool photos ready to be uploaded? Check. Cord thing-y that goes between camera and computer to allow for photo transfer? Fail. Now where did I put that thing?

I'll get there. I will.

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