
-1 sleeps + 14

I'm glad my thesis and I are on good terms again. We had a fight a couple of months ago and stopped talking to each other. We went through a phase of each trying to destroy the other, like two old, angry, slightly demented dogs of war lost in a tropical bush somewhere with nothing but a pocket knife and a bone to pick.

But we got over it. We talked it through and hugged it out. Now, we are on good terms. In fact, I'm galloping on a big black horse towards a tower.... nah, change that...The thesis is galloping on a big black horse towards a tower, where I am waiting to jump out a window and on the back of that horse so the thesis and I can go careening into the sunset together. We're getting there, dear thesis, we are getting there.


gardenofebren said...

Regarding 2 sleeps + 14 - you have seem to forgotten how to count. Technically today's post should've been -1 + 13 (shouldn't it)? smirk smirk

T-Lo said...

hmmm.... [scratches head]