
36 sleeps

I'm having another middle distance glaze day. Make that middle distance glaze week.

TheGreek and I went for 'Easter dinner' last weekend (we washed down vast quantities of prawns with nice wine) and ended up having a fat chat about life, love and rock'n'roll. He watched a documentary on youtube about Mayan calendars and 2012, which freaked him out a bit, which led to discussions about the imbalances in the world, which lead to discussions about positive and negative energy, which led to discussions about karma, which led to discussions about high, low and good (good! good!) vibrations, which led to discussions about cause and effect.

Now, I fully believe in the cause/effect theory. For example, if I buy one of these every day, I create this. Not cool. No wonder Mother Nature's pissed off. But how far does it go? Specifically, if I play this or this or this or this, obviously I'm thinking about how to kill someone, or achieve world domination, or wage effective warfare, or steal people's cars. And those are things I would consider Not Nice to think about. But, as I think these things, I'm putting that energy out there, right? And it must go somewhere, right? Where does it go? What happens to it? And, if my cause and effect theory is correct, then I have to wonder what effect it is having on me, on other people, on the world in general. Or, to balance it out (one of theGreeks theories) I must do something that would be considered nice, like pet kittens or similar. I'll just have to stretch out my arms, raise my eyes to the sky and ask Superman what is going on because this has got my brain in a twist. Hmmmm.... [slack jawed middle distance glaze look in full effect]


DomBom said...

I'm laughing at the labels at the bottom of your blog...relating to the content.

Deep and Meaningful and The Greek fall into one blog post???


COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T-Lo said...

[clutches sides]
[gasps for air]
[falls over]

DomBom said...

[high fives]