
55 sleeps

There's a great new dvd shop in town called dvd noveau. It has the most amazing documentary section... a nice wide selection of current affairs topics. Well, I've been going through a mad documentary phase. Sometimes I watch alone, sometimes I watch with theGreek and we debate the issues raised in the doccie afterwards. The only problem is... my list of can'ts is growing with every movie I watch. For example: I watched this one and now I can't eat any type of pre-packaged frozen fish. Then I watched this one and I can't drink any coffee but organically certified fair trade coffee. I also watched this one with theGreek, which was so intense that the imagery still sits with me. There was one scene of Death Squads opening fire on funeral goers in Argentina that horrified me to the core. I didn't understand what was happening at the beginning of the scene. It looked like the funeral goers, who were walking up the church steps en masse, were doing a sort of break dance in time with each other while moving to the side of the steps. Then I realised that their bodies were convulsing from being peppered with bullets. The world we live in....

but I digress. In good news, I've been accepted on the UNV roster. Yay! Good news! My Canadian muay thai and humanitarian partner in crime, Miss K, has also been accepted. Now we just have to be posted on the same mission so that we can continue to train properly.

In bad news, I missed Cum Laude on my coursework for my LLM by 0.25%. Let me repeat that - I missed it by ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT. I am so mad at myself. ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT. I know I will do well on my thesis, I always do well on my written work, but I don't know if this ONE QUARTER OF ONE PERCENT will prevent me from graduating Cum Laude overall. I guess I actually have to open the LLM Rule book and read the bloody thing.

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