
130 sleeps

Wasn't it just yesterday that it was 152 sleeps?!

I’m having an I-Don’t-Want-To-Leave day. It is precisely for this reason that I resigned the way I did. I’ve given myself one last summer in Cape Town (and, thankfully, one less winter in Canada), I’ve set my final day of work and this has been accepted, I’ve put the job-hunting machinery in place already in the Hammer, I’ve packed some of my books… in short, I’m giving myself no alternative but to go. This is the best way to do it. If I said to myself ‘I will leave sometime in the first half of 2009’ then the first half of 2009 will come and go in a flash and I will still be doing the exact same thing as always at my job, in my social life etc. At least now it’s firm, it’s done, it’s finalised. There’s no backing down, no matter how nostalgic for Cape Town I may get or how nervous I am for re-integrating into Canada. The whole decision has changed my outlook too. I almost feel like I'm on vacation. I'm enjoying the 'little things' a lot more - sundowner drinks in Camps Bay, crazy Excite taxi rides, work Xmas parties...I know they say you should live every day like it is your last, but it is only when I force myself from country to country do I actually live like that. Otherwise, I get bogged down in the daily drum of life - concentrating on things like car services, appointments with financial advisors, worrying about my thesis. Is everyone like that or is it just me?

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